
Was unsere Kunden über uns sagen


Im Zuge des Kaufs eines Anlageobjekts im Ausland, wurden wir seitens Inres, Herrn Bruno F., hervorragend beraten. Die Erreichbarkeit war zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit gegeben und der Informationsaustausch erfolgte fließend. Sehr empfehlenswert! mehr

Was unsere Kunden über uns sagen


Dank der umfassenden Bereitstellung von Information im Internet, einer kurzfristig organisierten Besichtigungstour, der professionellen Unterstützung und der schnellstmöglichen Bereitstellung der erforderlichen Unterlagen...  mehr

Was unsere Kunden über uns sagen


Perfekt organisierter Kauf und sehr gute Betreuung vor Ort. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit hatte Hr. Bruno F. alles notwendige organisiert und uns sehr transparent alle Schritte erklärt. mehr

Wir ermöglichen Ihnen ein unbeschwertes mediterranes Lebensgefühl und vielleicht sogar das große Glück. Und die Immobilie gibt es natürlich dazu!

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Property-ID Search


Creating Values

We view the buying and selling of properties and the provision of advisory services in all questions surrounding a property investment to be a high value service to which special standards apply. If you are looking for property to buy as an investment you will have to consider several factors.
It isn’t only the location and the building fabric which are relevant to a decision; profitability, returns, retention of value and tax considerations also play an important role.

If you are to be an owner-occupier, your personal circumstances and what you actually want are also deciding factors in your decision.

Property Sales:

With many years of experience in national and international property purchases and property sales, in addition to our key markets in Italy and Spain, we also specialise on brokering of high quality properties in growing markets, especially the Middle East. The most attractive property markets in the world currently include:

• Dubai, Ras Al-Khaimah / United Arab Emirates

We check all of the properties which are offered for sale and we only market and sell those which fulfil our requirements in terms of location, configuration, content of purchase contract, which are structurally sound, and which offer a sound future investment.

We attach value to consultation, security, quality, service and reliability. Our goal is to help you find the best possible property and to find the solution which corresponds with your particular requirements.

Your satisfaction as a customer is always our primary focus.